Dancehall Fit


1. Definitions

  • “Client” refers to the individual, company, or organization booking services from DANCEHALL FIT.
  • “Talent” refers to DANCEHALL FIT, including its instructors, performers, or representatives providing the services.

2. Terms & Conditions

2.1. Domestic Bookings: Bookings will be accepted by email, online booking request form, or phone and considered tentative and not binding on either party unless confirmed in writing at least 4 weeks prior to the commencement of the confirmed booking. It is advisable that Client contacts DANCEHALL FIT at least 3 months in advance to be put on the calendar. 

2.2. International Booking: All international bookings are considered tentative and not binding on either party unless confirmed in writing at least 12 weeks prior to the commencement of the confirmed booking. It is advisable that Client contacts DANCEHALL FIT at least 6 months in advance to be put on the calendar.

2.3. Booking Agreement: Upon confirmation of all bookings, a Booking Agreement will be sent by DANCEHALL FIT to the Client, which must be signed and returned by the Client prior to the commencement of the booking. 

2.4. Sponsorship: Clients who are interested in sponsoring any events produced by DANCEHALL FIT – Get Your Sexy Back LLC or in offering sponsorship opportunities to any of the company’s Talent must contact the management of DANCEHALL FIT directly by email, online booking request form, or phone.

2.5. Outdoor Events: For all outdoor events, a stage, speaker and wireless body mic must be provided by Client for Talent to perform the work effectively. All equipment must be tested, and sound checked to ensure they function well before Talent arrives. 

2.6. Indoor Events (Over 30 Participants): For any indoor classes or events of over 30 participants, a stage, wireless body mic and speaker must be provided by Client. All equipment must be tested, and sound checked to ensure they function well before Talent arrives.

2.7. Grace Period:  Talent will allot at least 15 minutes grace period before event starts to verify all equipment function effectively. Any other time requested by Client for Talent to arrive earlier will be charged as preparation time. 

3. Payment & Fees

3.1. Rates: Booking fees are charged by the day, half day, by the hour or for the entire event. 

3.2. Day Rates: Day rates cover 8 consecutive hours between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Day rates must be requested at the time of booking; otherwise, hourly rates will apply. Talent is paid for the entire booking period, regardless of usage.

3.3. Half-Day Rates: Half-day rates cover 4 consecutive hours of booking between the hours of 9:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M. Half-day rates must be requested at the time of booking; otherwise, hourly rates will apply. Talent is paid for the entire booking period, regardless of usage.

3.4. Hourly Rates: Bookings are subject to a one-hour minimum. Length of job is to be specified at time of booking. Talent is paid for the entire booked period, even if not fully utilized.

3.5. Overtime Rates: Overtime rates apply before 9:00 am and after 5:00 pm on all bookings over 8 hours. Bookings exceeding the agreed upon end time, for hourly and day bookings, are charged overtime, billed on the quarter hour every 15 minutes, with time rounded to the nearest fifteenth.

  • The overtime rate is one and a half times the daily rate between 5:00 pm and 12:00 am. 
  • A special rate is negotiated for night work between 12:00 am and 9:00 am. 
  • Work on Saturdays is at 1.5x times the normal rate.
  • Work on Sundays and holidays is at 2x the normal rate.

3.6. Preparation Time & Fees: Preparation time for hair, make-up and wardrobe are billed at half the hourly rate with a minimum of one hour.

3.7. Fitting & Rehearsal Fees: Fees to be charged at half the hourly rate with a minimum of one hour.

3.8. Travel Time/Accommodation Fees: The Client is responsible for booking, paying for, and sending confirmation of accommodations at least three days after booking. Failure to do so may result in contract termination. The Client must cover all costs of transportation, accommodations, meals, and per diems for location bookings that are outside the Talent’s state of residence. Travel time will be charged at half the hourly rate, and this, along with location expenses, is to be negotiated with DANCEHALL FIT. Return and any accommodation arrangements are to be stated clearly by the Client at the time of the booking.

3.9. Expenses: The Client is responsible for the payment of hotel and subsistence costs when Talent is required to work away from his/her home location.

3.10. Payment: DANCEHALL FIT will invoice the Client, and payment is required within 30 days from the date of invoice. A 7% late charge per month will be added to each invoice if not paid within 30 days of invoice date.

3.11. Talent Fees: All Talent fees are to be paid directly to DANCEHALL FIT – Get Your Sexy Back LLC.

3.12. Cancellations by Client: Confirmed bookings canceled within 3 days (72 hours from booking date) will not be charged a cancellation fee. Confirmed bookings canceled within 48 hours (2 days from booking date) will be charged half rate. Confirmed bookings canceled within 24 hours (1 day of booking date) will be charge full rate. However, if a booking is canceled because of illness or some other reason beyond the Talent’s control (and upon production of the appropriate evidence) the Talent shall not be liable for cancellation charges.  

3.13. Weather Permitting Cancellations: If a booking is ‘weather permitting’ this must be made clear at the time of booking. At the first cancellation, half the fee is charged if the same Talent is not rescheduled within two weeks of the original booking date. At the second cancellation, the full fee is then charged.

3.14. Cancellations by DANCEHALL FIT: In the unlikely event that DANCEHALL FIT must cancel the booking, the Client will be offered the option to reschedule the event with the same Talent for another date. If rescheduling is not feasible, a full refund will be issued to the Client.

4. Media & Releases

4.1. Photographs/Videos: Talent bookings give the right to make use of Talent’s services at an event for the specified show and the right to allow photographers and videographers to be present to take photographs and videos of the show on the basis that all such material is for reporting or promotional purposes only. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that all photographers/videographers present are aware of this condition and abide by it. Any other usage must be negotiated at the time of the booking. 

4.2. Releases: No Talent Release Form will be signed without being reviewed by the management of DANCEHALL FIT. Any release signed by the Talent without consent of the company will be considered null and voided.

5. Client Responsibilities & Miscellaneous

5.1. Client Responsibility: 

  1. Disclosure of extraordinary conditions or requirements. 
  2. Specify exact dressing facilities.
  3. Specify Weather Permit.
  4. Give the date, time, address and phone number of all booking locations 
  5. Specify hours of booking 
  6. Confirm all booking fees prior to actual booking. 
  7. Provide complete billing information at the time of booking. 
  8. Provide a safe working environment, free of any form of danger or personal harassment.

5.2. Insurance: The Client is responsible for the Talent’s health and safety when the Talent is traveling, or providing services, in connection with the booking to the same extent as if the Talent were an employee of the Client. The Client will maintain adequate insurance coverage to underwrite its obligations to the Talent. 

5.3. Complaints: Any cause for complaint should be reported to DANCEHALL FIT during the course of the booking. Complaints will not be considered in retrospect.

5.4. Assigning: The Client shall not assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations in relation to the booking to any third party without the prior written consent of DANCEHALL FIT.

5.5. Jurisdiction: These terms and conditions for booking and all other matters connected with the booking are governed by the United States law and any dispute will be settled in accordance with that law by a court in Florida.


As the supplier of services these terms and conditions take precedence over any terms and conditions which may be received from the client even if those terms and conditions have a clause similar to this. 

  • All fees to be negotiated only with DANCEHALL FIT.
  • No photographs/videos may be used until all fees are fully paid.
  • Whilst every endeavor is made to provide satisfactory and efficient service to our clients we may not be held liable for a Talent’s conduct on an assignment.
  • We reserve the right to negotiate the structure of these terms and conditions.

We are available for bookings both locally (Florida), nationally, and internationally.

Have Questions?
Contact Us Now



Phone: 917-651-7849
